Gateway ======= The Gateway is Ayaka's way of implementing a easy--affordable and non-blocking event system. Gaining the Port ---------------- Ayaka separates client connections using addresses to get an available one just do: .. code-block:: python3 import requests r = requests.get('') print(r.json()) Available Domains ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ production-1: ``wss://`` Identifying ----------- Once you have done the initial connection with the gateway you will want to send your identification payload. +------------+--------+-----------+ | name | type | optional? | +------------+--------+-----------+ | session_id | string | No | +------------+--------+-----------+ | encoding | string | Yes | +------------+--------+-----------+ The encoding should be one of: - ``json`` - ``zlib`` It is recommended to use the ``json`` encoding, as it doesn't require decompressing and is more tested because of it's ease-of-use. This is a code example of a gateway connection: .. code-block:: python3 import json import asyncio import requests from websockets import client r = requests.get('') d = r.text async def connection(): ws = await client.connect(f'wss://{d["port"]}', ping_timeout=20) await ws.send(json.dumps({'session_id': 'my_session_id'})) while True: recv = await ws.recv() print(recv) Keeping Alive ------------- The only thing you need to do to keep the connection alive, is to ping the gateway before the timeout runs out. - ``PING_TIMEOUT``: 20 seconds. - ``PING_INTERVAL``: 20 seconds. .. note:: Most WebSocket Wrappers should already do this automatically. Event Payload ------------- A event payload goes as so: .. code-block:: json { "t": "EVENT_NAME", "d": { "key": "VaLuE12345" } } **PRESENCE_UPDATE** Payload: .. code-block:: json { "t": "PRESENCE_UPDATE", "id": 123456, "d": { "type": 1/2/3/4, "description": "string", "emoji": emoji_id, "embed": { "name": "string", "description": "string", "banner_url": "string", "text": { "top": "string", "bottom": "string", } } } } **NOTIFICATION** Payload: .. code-block:: json { "t": "NOTIFICATION", "type": "MESSAGE, GUILD, EVERYONE, HERE", "excerpt": { ... } } Event Reference --------------- - ``GUILD_CREATE`` Called when you create a Guild. - ``GUILD_JOIN`` Called when you join a Guild. - ``GUILD_INIT`` Called after you get the `READY` event. Given one time for each guild, The new ``channels`` field will be added to the guild object. - ``GUILD_UPDATE`` Called when a Guild is updated. - ``GUILD_DELETE`` Called when a Guild is deleted. - ``INVITE_CREATE`` Called when a user creates an invite. - ``CHANNEL_CREATE`` Called when a channel is created. - ``PRESENCE_UPDATE`` Called when a user updates there presence. - ``NOTIFICATION`` Called when you get a notification